Twitter cheat sheet

Do you know what to tweet on twitter? How do you use it to market your brand? Use the commands listed below from your phone, or the web.

Fun Stuff: friends, favorites, and stats codes!

* @username + message
directs a twitter at another person, and causes your twitter to save in their “replies” tab.
Example: @Searched Marketing I love that song too!

* D username + message
sends a person a private message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive.
Example: Searched Marketing want to pick me up a Fresca for me while you’re there?

* WHOIS username
retrieves the profile information for any public user on Twitter.

* GET username
retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by the person.

* NUDGE username
reminds a friend to update by asking what they’re doing on your behalf.

* FAV username
marks a person’s last twitter as a favorite. (hint: reply to any update with FAV to mark it as a favorite if you’re receiving it in real time)

this command returns your number of followers, how many people you’re following, and which words you’re tracking.

* INVITE phone number
will send an SMS invite to a friend’s mobile phone.
Example: Invite 876 530 9000