google ai

Hot Summer Topic: Google AI & Its Effect On SEO

Summer is here and with it, some hot summer updates! Google’s launch of its new AI software Gemini, means changes are on the horizon in the digital marketing world. With Google AI now within the search function, visibility will be even more limited for your company. Our specialized SEO team has compiled a list of

Helpful Tips For Optimization From A Local SEO Company

In today’s world, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small local shop or a larger corporation, optimizing your website for search engines is essential to attract new customers. This is where the knowledge and expertise of a professional SEO company come into play. Searched Marketing, a

Hands on Computer for Digital Marketing Strategy | Searched Marketing

Top SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2019

In creating a strong online presence for your business, there are important SEO mistakes to avoid. A quote from Google to its users: “You want the answer, not billions of webpages, so Google ranking systems sort through the hundreds of billions of webpages in our Search index to give you useful and relevant results in

DIY Marketing 6 Reasons Why You Should Never DIY Your Marketing

One Thing You Should Never DIY

DIY is not a new concept to an entrepreneur. Your soul is embedded with a “do-it-yourself” lining and sprinkled with an “I got this” mindset. As a business owner, you’ve tackled many projects yourself and have an impressive skill set. DIY projects can either save you some money or deliver a terrible outcome. For starters, you

Four Tips for Using Pinterest to Market Your Business

Pinterest now has over 70 million users, and internet marketers and businesses everywhere need to be taking advantage of that. When used correctly, Pinterest can be a great tool to reach out to an entirely different audience and create a following that will eventually lead to new customers. If you want to expand your business’s

Four Tips to Improve Your SEO Strategy

What are some ways you can improve your SEO strategy?  If you aren’t showing up on the first page of search results for keywords related to your business, you are missing out on a lot of web traffic and potential customers. This is especially important if you offer products or services on your website, but

Integrated Marketing: A Comprehensive Approach

There are a lot of things to consider when you are creating a marketing strategy. There are so many areas of both digital and traditional marketing that your business needs to take advantage of to create the most effective strategy. This should include search engine optimization, paid advertising, social media, possibly radio or television advertising,

Four Tips for Google-Friendly Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Earlier this month, Google launched the Penguin 2.1 update – a follow up to the Penguin updates that intend to target webspam. This means that sites that have been using links in spammy directories, forum links, blog comment/signature spam, etc. saw a major decrease in their search rankings. Earlier this fall, Google launched the Hummingbird

Four Tips For Better Local Search Engine Optimization

This article will go over a few tips you can implement to help the local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website.  If you rely a lot on local traffic to your business, you need to think about optimizing your website for local search. This may include Google Maps and Google Places, local Yahoo results,

50 Marketing Statistics You Need To Know

Here are some Marketing Statistics We Feel That You Need To Know: Blogging 92% of companies who blogged multiple times a day gained a customer through their blog. (HubSpotState of Inbound Marketing, 2012) There are 31% more bloggers today than there were three years ago. (eMarketer, August 2010) 46% of people read blogs more than